Welcome to the PivotTables Course

Hey !

alwThanks for joining my PivotTables for the Faint of Heart course. I’m excited that you’re here and I hope you are looking forward to what you will learn about how to better use Excel.

Now that you are officially a part of the PivotTables for the Faint of Heart course, there are a couple of “housekeeping” items to go over. First, you can click the “Home” link at the top of any page on the site, and you are taken back to the overview page for the course. You can think of it as a table of contents for the course (because that’s exactly what it is). You can use the controls on the page to jump to any section or lesson, plus you can use the checkboxes beside each lesson to monitor your progress through the course.

Second, you should have received a few e-mails from me already. One was a “congratulations” e-mail that welcomed you to the course. You don’t want to lose that message; it includes information on how to log back into the course in the future. (That would seem important, wouldn’t it?) In case you cannot locate that message or if it gets lost between me and you, here is where you can log in for the course:


When you do log back in, you are taken directly to a “dashboard” page that allows you to easily access information in the course.

The other message you should have received is one you already know about—it informs you that you’ve been added to a special e-mail list for this course. You need to find that message (it may be in your spam folder) and click the link in it. That will confirm that you get information I send to that list. I don’t anticipate I’ll send much to the list–if anything–but in case I do, I sure don’t want you to miss out.

Special note for Gmail users: Gmail is notorious for whisking things away that you really don’t want whisked away. When you log into the Gmail interface, look in the Junk E-mail folder (left side of the screen) to see if the notice is there. More than likely, though, it is NOT there. Click the More option (again, left side of the screen) and you’ll see a folder appear called Spam. If you click on that folder, that is where you’ll likely find the missing message.

If you don’t receive (or cannot find) the e-mails that I just described, please e-mail me (Allen@UsingOffice.com).

As you work through the course, you’ll notice that each lesson’s page for the course includes an area where you can read and leave comments. Please feel free to do so, and feel free to respond to the comments left by others in the course. Your experience may help others who are working through the course like you are. Rest assured that I read every single comment, and I look forward to what you have to say. (If you would prefer to e-mail me directly, you can do so using this address: allen@usingoffice.com.)

Are you ready to get started? The place to begin is with the course outline. Click the link and you’ll have a great overview of the course as a whole.

Again, welcome!

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